To start your fascinating exploration of this transforming understanding, we encourage you to access all the free material — including essays, videos and books — that is available on the WTM’s website at We especially recommend watching THE Interview and Videos 1–4 & 14 that appear there.
We also encourage people to learn more about, share and discuss these insights into the human condition by subscribing to the WTM’s mailing list. As a subscriber you will be notified of free, interactive, live events with Jeremy Griffith and others that are hosted on the WTM’s website and on Facebook. And we also encourage you to participate in the interactive activity in the WTM’s Facebook Group, which is a wonderful, thriving community for discussing, exploring and sharing this liberating truth.
We very much look forward to hearing from you! Obrigada!
The dark night sky of our human-condition-stricken world is lighting up with joy and excitement as WTM Centres open around the world!! Read Commendations from Centre founders across the globe.